Mary Danvers Stocks

Mary Danvers Stocks was a life-long activist. As well as an extensive academic career, she campaigned for issues from the ordination of women priests and equal pay to university education and the NHS. A successful career in broadcasting contributed to her peerage in 1966.

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Sydney Bushell

Sydney Mary Bushell made significant contributions to the field of housing in the 1920s, particularly women’s housing, with the Garden City and Town Planning Association and Women’s Pioneer Housing.

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Mary Hankinson

A founder member of the Fabian Women’s group, suffragist and gymnastics teacher, she was president of the Gymnastics Teachers Suffrage Society.

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Eslanda Robeson

A staunch opponent of injustice, Eslanda found her intellectual community and political point of view in New York, where she was located in history on the eve of the Harlem Renaissance and the end of the Bolshevik revolution.

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