Emily White
Emily White made a significant contribution to community and horticultural life in New Zealand, and was her adopted country’s first woman gardening author of note.
Emily White made a significant contribution to community and horticultural life in New Zealand, and was her adopted country’s first woman gardening author of note.
Otelia was an American suffrage leader during a time when the women’s suffrage movement had decided to focus on supporting the war effort.
Irish suffragist, nationalist, socialist, and writer
Irish writer and suffragist
New Zealand suffragist
Jessie Mackay’s crusading spirit informed her poetry, and her poetry is a record of all the causes she held dear.
American educator
In 1901 she established a women’s collective clothing factory and was appointed the chair of its board. She continued her work for electoral reform and moved the resolution that brought the South Australian National Council of Women into existence, although she found the organisation too cautious and resigned from the executive in 1906.
Rose Scott was one of the founders of the Women’s Literary Society and the Womanhood Suffrage League and a foundation member of National Council of Women of New South Wales. She was the first president of the Women’s Political Educational League.
Marguerite Ludovia Dale was a playwright and feminist and was active in lobbying for the Women’s Legal Status Act of 1918.