Mary Johnston
In addition to being one of the country’s bestselling authors of her day and having three silent film adaptations of her novels, Johnson was a women’s rights advocate.
In addition to being one of the country’s bestselling authors of her day and having three silent film adaptations of her novels, Johnson was a women’s rights advocate.
American actress, lecturer and woman suffrage leader.
When Alice Candy began teaching at Canterbury College, the academic staff was, with one exception (Elizabeth Herriott, biology), entirely male. She gradually acquired the unofficial status of dean of women – and an influence on college life well above her junior academic status.
Scottish New Zealand women’s rights activist
Finnish author and women’s rights activist
Cuban women’s rights activist
English philanthropist, suffragist and social reformer
American author, and journalist, better known as Jennie June
Irish suffragist
A founder member of the Fabian Women’s group, suffragist and gymnastics teacher, she was president of the Gymnastics Teachers Suffrage Society.