Meridel Le Sueur

For more than seventy years, the Minnesota-based writer and activist Meridel Le Sueur was a voice for oppressed peoples worldwide. Beginning in the 1920s, she championed the struggles of workers against the capitalist economy, the efforts of women to find their voices and their power, the rights of American Indians to their lands and their cultures, and environmentalist causes.

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Sofia Reyes de Veyra

While advocating for Philippine independence and living in D.C., Sofia de Veyra and other Filipinas joined local women’s organizations that supported the American suffrage movement. Upon returning to the Philippines, these pioneering women formed women’s clubs and eventually won the right to vote on April 30, 1937.

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Hannah Jensen Kempfer

Hannah Jensen Kempfer was the first woman from rural Minnesota elected to the state legislature, serving nine terms in the Minnesota legislature between 1922 and 1942.

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