Suzanne Scherer

Born: 1970 (circa), United States (assumed)
Died: NA
Country most active: International
Also known as: NA

The following is republished from the Library of Congress. This piece falls under under public domain, as copyright does not apply to “any work of the U.S. Government” where “a work prepared by an officer or employee of the U.S. Government as part of that person’s official duties” (See, 17 U.S.C. §§ 101, 105).

Suzanne Scherer and Pavel Ouporov met and began collaborating in 1989, as students at the Russian Academy of Fine Arts in Moscow. Scherer recounts: “In 1992, shortly after moving to New York City, we were fortunate to find Bob Blackburn, who gave us the opportunity to continue our love of printmaking.”

Read more (artist’s website)

Posted in Visual Art, Visual Art > Printmaking.