Meta Seinemeyer

Born: 5 September 1895, Germany
Died: 19 August 1929
Country most active: International
Also known as: NA

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Berlin-born Meta Seinemeyer was a lyric-dramatic soprano with a voice whose rich qualities were captured on many recordings. Her voice together with her early death, has made her into a cult figure. She debuted in 1918 at Deutsche Opernhause in Berlin, where she sang for several years. When Sol Hurok’s German Opera Company toured America in 1923, Seinemeyer, in spite of frequent illness, sang more than forty performances throughout the eastern United States in a three-month period. She then joined the Dresden Opera and appeared in Buenos Aires, London, and Vienna. Seinemeyer’s large repertoire ranged from Mozart to verismo (realism) roles, and she created the female lead in Busoni’s Doktor Faust.

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Posted in Music, Music > Opera, Music > Singer.